Lyrics sunny came home
Lyrics sunny came home

lyrics sunny came home

Granted, I also acknowledge that the problem may not have been an abusive husband (though it's the most likely, given that the song indicates she has kids). The last line is positive: ("She's out there on her own and she's alright") It's about finally asserting yourself and leaving all the things that hurt you. One thing the song only hints about though, is if whether she killed anyone in the process or not. ("Get the kids and bring a sweater, Dry is good and wind is better") She sets the house on fire, grabs her kids and runs away. Then one day after coming home from her latest stay at the hospital (for getting beaten up of course), she decides she's finally had enough. ("She says days go by I'm hypnotized, I'm walking on a wire, I close my eyes and fly out of my mind, Into the fire") On the outside everyone else just sees her as a meek non-person, but inside she's slowly going crazy. Religious perceptions that a woman is nothing without her man, parents worried more about looking bad to other people than their daughter's well-being, general red-neck chauvinism, etc. The problem might be compounded by small-town mentality as well.

lyrics sunny came home

She's scared of him, yet she's more scared of how she (and her kids) will get by without him. Yet she hasn't left because it's the only world she knows.

lyrics sunny came home

Here's how I see it: a mother in a small town getting beaten and probably raped regularly by her husband for years. The whole tone of the song is also filled with tension, unnerving, yet strangely cathartic. General CommentThe song is undoubtedly about escaping from domestic abuse, it's not metaphorical.

Lyrics sunny came home